How to Enrol
2026 Prep Enrolment Timeline
Families Seeking Enrolment
Families seeking enrolment are encouraged to use the above icon links, however for any 2026 enrolments we will still accept paper enrolment forms. If you have any queries please contact the school office on (03) 9521 9335 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Enrolment Information
- Children must turn five years of age before the 30th April in the year they are commencing school.
- A Health Immunisation Certificate, Birth Certificate and Baptismal Certificate (if applicable) are to be attached to the Enrolment Application form
- We encourage and welcome enrolments regardless of religious affiliation. Non-Catholic families are warmly welcome to apply for enrolment..
- At the time of lodging an enrolment application all new families will be required to pay a non-refundable enrolment fee.
- A Prep Orientation Program is held in Term Four for all new Prep students and a transition program put in place for new students beginning in other year levels. An Information Night for Prep parents is also be held in Term Four.
School Fees
Every effort is made by the school to be welcoming and inclusive, and to ensure St Mary's is accessible to every family through the provision of a family-friendly fee policy and fee relief. School fees are reviewed on a yearly basis and set through consultation with the School Advisory Council and Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools guidelines. It is the policy of the school that no family should be excluded due to financial difficulty, therefore concessions or exemptions may be granted on an individual case basis.
Students with Additional Learning Needs
We welcome parents who wish to enrol a child with additional learning needs and do everything possible to accommodate the child’s needs. The process for enrolling students with special needs is the same as that for enrolling any student. In order for us to provide an effective transition program for students with additional needs, it is important that parents provide any relevant specialist reports to assist us.
Policies related to enrolment can be found on the Policies page of this website.